Movement Towards a "Sustainability" in Bespoke Furniture

Restoring pieces of furniture rather than replacing, using natural and authentic materials rather than artificial, synthetic materials, working with hand tools rather than power tools, are amongst the many reasons why traditional re-upholstery is regarded as one of the most sustainable crafts within the UK. And why the craft trade’s carbon footprint is so much lower than that of its sister trade, furniture manufacture. To pick from multiple research studies, the climate action group WRAP UK’s 2019 data reveals that the recycling of second-hand sofas, for example, avoids 52,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

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It's All In The Detail

When you think of bespoke upholstery, design is what probably springs to mind first. Then perhaps it’s the size to fit your space. Of course, good design is imperative, as are the construction and materials... but those "finishing touches" are of equal significance. And once you know the signs, you won’t accept anything less.

We are talking bespoke trims, hand-sewn corners, coordinated gimp pins, fine bottoming cloth, and last but not least the traditional upholsterer's favourite... tacks, which all suggest a quality piece, built with care, made to last.

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